Thursday, November 4, 2010

"The next voice you hear, might be your own."

36% of Republicans think that top priority should be the repealing of the healthcare act.  Of that 36%, 22% indicate that goverment should stay out of the business of healthcare and leave their Medicare alone (okay I made that up). 

Conversely 63% of Democrats prioritize the passing of a new economic stimulus bill.  Of that 63%, 60% don't have a savings account.

Overall adults polled (Gallup) indicate  Congressional priorities as follows:

38% new economic stimulus
24% cut federal spending
23% repeal healthcare
8% extend all tax cuts.

According to Rasmussen

59%  favor repeal of the national health care bill
40% are opposed to repeal

According to CNN 58% of voters 65 and over voted Republican.
 49 % of women voted Democrat, while 48 % voted Republicans.  This reflects one of the lowest turnout for Democrats amongst women.

80% of pro-Pop 19th voters in California forgot to vote, and instead opted to go to7 Eleven for a Big Gulp and a bag of Funyons.

67% of mail-in ballots were not mailed, but dropped off in person at polling stations.

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